The Graduate Program expects a culture of mutual respect between students and faculty members and that this includes excellent communication among them. In particular, students must allow sufficient time for faculty members to review and assess their work and faculty members must be as prompt as circumstances allow in responding to their students with such assessments.

As a general rule, material should be submitted by the student at least two weeks before an examination or other deadline and at least two weeks, but not more than four weeks, should be allowed the faculty member for informing students of the assessment. Exceptions, to this rule might include end-of-semester “crunch”, students or faculty members in the field without good access to the internet, and medical incapacity.

It is the responsibility of advisors and students to keep committees informed and engaged throughout the process of the student’s research and to ensure that the committee is given adequate time to assess the final product before it is defended. For example, students should alert faculty members to their intention to submit work at a certain time and faculty members should indicate their expectations for the timing of their responses.


General Academic Guidelines

Please refer to the Rutgers School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures for University academic policies, codes of conduct, and bylaws. 

Academic Standards

Both Ph.D and Master's students must carry a 3.0 cumulative grade point average as a condition for being permitted to take the qualifying examinations.  These same requirements apply to a change from non-matriculated to matriculated status.


Students failing to achieve these grade point averages for two consecutive semesters will be requested to leave the Program. The procedure for termination is as follows: When a student’s grade point average falls below the required level, he/she (and the student’s advisor) will receive a letter of warning. Students will be expected to remedy their deficiencies in the next semester. Should the student not improve in the next semester, he/she will be requested to leave the Program. A notice of termination will be sent to the Dean of the Graduate School - New Brunswick.

Note: The general academic status of the student is monitored by the student’s advisor and also the Student Affairs and Standards Committee. It is essential that the student’s advisor make sure that each student maintains good progress toward his/her degree.

Transfer of Credits

Up to 24 of credits required for a doctoral degree, and up to 40% of the required credits for the master’s degree, may be transferred from another institution under the following restrictions:

  • Credits must not have been used toward meeting the requirements of the undergraduate degree.
  • Official transcripts must be provided.
  • The courses must be relevant to the student’s program of study.
  • The student must have earned at least 9 credits at Rutgers and be in good standing in a graduate program prior to the transfer request.
  • Transfers may be disallowed under the following circumstances: (a) courses were taken six or more years earlier; (b) courses do not meet standards of graduate courses, (c) grades were less than B.

Requests for approval of transfer of credits should be made using the fillable form available on the website of the School of Graduate Studies.  All requests must include the official transcript, and indicate the approval of the Graduate Director, including the name of the Graduate Director and contact information. In some cases, a statement explaining the relevance to the program of study, and verifying that the courses meet starts of graduate courses may be required.

Transcript Problems

All unresolved problems with a student’s transcript must be corrected prior to admission to candidacy. Students may be required to submit an updated transcript copy prior to final candidacy form review.

Language Requirement

There is no language requirement but one may be recommended at the discretion of the student’s major professor and committee.

Time Requirement

The M.S. degree should normally be completed in less than 3 years full-time; the Ph.D. degree should be completed in less than 6 years full-time. Note: A Master of Science degree is not required for a Ph.D.