Title: Principles of Drug Action and Targeting (Required Core Course)
Course number: 16:718:680
Director: Chen and Ryazanov
Credits: 3
Schedule: Offered every other year beginning in Fall 2020
Description: This course provides a comprehensive overview of basic principles in pharmacology, representative drug classes and their targets, clinical drug evaluation, experimental therapeutics and drug development.
Note: This course is required.

Title: Graduate Student Research Seminar (Required of all students in 2nd year and above)
Course Number: 16:695:600
Director: Walworth and McKim
Credits: 0
Schedule: Offered every semester
Description: Students present their work once each year (after year two), providing the opportunity to reflect on their progress and practice public speaking to a broad scientific audience. Students in the audience are exposed to the array of techniques and approaches used by their colleagues, and have the opportunity to ask questions in a comfortable environment.

Title: Genomics in Cancer Therapeutics (Elective)
Course Number: 16:718:603
Director: Herranz Benito
Credits: 3
Schedule: Spring semester of even years (2016, 2018...)
Description: This course focuses on the latest development in personalized cancer therapy and implementation of genomic and precision medicine approaches. A literature-based seminar course combined with patient-oriented bioinformatics and hospital sessions focused on illustrating how cancer patients are diagnosed and treatments are established. The range of topics covered includes tumor heterogeneity, resistance mechanisms in tumors, and targeted therapies against deregulated genomic stability, cancer metabolism and cancer stem cells.

Title: Ethical Scientific Conduct Refresher (Required of 5th year graduate students and MD/PhD students in 3rd year of PhD)
Course Number: 16:115:558
Director: Alder
Credits: 0
Schedule: Spring
Description: This is a case-based course that reviews the most important topics in Responsible Conduct of Research. It complies with NIH requirements.

2-credit Seminar Courses

Title: Drug-Target Interactions (Chromatin and Chromosomes)
Course number: 16:718:605
Instructors: Gartenberg and Gu
Schedule: (every three years starting in Spring 2022)
Description: A literature-based seminar course focused on the latest developments in discoveries in chromatin and chromosomes with emphasis on pharmaceutical applications.

Title: Hormones and Their Receptors
Course number: 16:718:581
Instructors: Chen and Fondell
Schedule: (every three years starting in Fall 2022)
Description: A literature-based seminar course focused on the latest discoveries in mechanisms of hormone actions and their receptors at both cellular and molecular levels.

Title: Cancer Pharmacology
Course number: 16:718:600
Instructors: Jin
Schedule: (every three years starting in Spring 2023)
Description: A literature-based seminar course focused on new molecular targets for anticancer agents.

Title: Signal Transduction
Course number: 16:718:575
Instructors: Xie and Gatza
Schedule: (every three years starting in Fall 2023)
Description: This is a literature-based seminar course focused on key discoveries in the field of signal transduction in immune and cancer cells.

Title: Molecular Response to Therapeutic DNA Damage
Course number: 16:718:584
Instructors: Xia
Schedule: (every three years starting in Spring 2021)
Description: This is a literature-based seminar course focused on aspects of DNA repair, recombination, and replication as they relate to pharmacological intervention.

Title: Genetics in Pharmacology
Course number: 16:718:601
Instructors: Walworth and Lobel
Schedule: (every three years starting in Fall 2021)
Description: This is a literature-based seminar course focused on the intersection of genetics and pharmacology with regard to identification of drug targets, development of drugs, and drug response.

3-credit Statistics courses (One of the following is required)

Students must take one of the "available" courses listed here.


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